Shark Point

Shark Point was named in honor of leopard sharkswhich used to be seen in the area on every dive. This dive site, which consists of three limestone pinnacles, is located next to the King Cruiser dive site and the Anemone Reef site.

This site has the largest variety of fish and corals available, each pinnacle is 15-20 meters apart and has areas covered with mesmerizing purple and pink soft corals. Each peak is 15-20 meters apart and has areas covered with mesmerizing purple and pink soft corals.

Pinnacle 1, as the main site, identified by a small rock on the surface, with a lighthouse to warn passing boats. Underwater, the reef is quite large, with a depth of 18-20 meters.

The peaks are located from north to south. There are frequent currents here, but their directions allow you to drift comfortably between the peaks. The reefs are covered with a wide variety of soft and hard corals, among which a huge number of tropical fish are circling. Exploring all this diversity is usually enough time to see only two peaks.

Unfortunately there have been no shark sightings here lately. However, sharks are not the only attraction of this site. Here you can find seahorse among yellow tubular corals, meet a family of cuttlefish, walk in sea fan gardens. Scorpionfish, lionfish, moray eels are often seen here.

On the reef between the coral You'll find colorful cephalopod mollusks, dancing shrimp and white-eyed moray eels. Stingrays lurk in the sandy areas between the peaks. In the water column, in addition to large flocks of snappers and fusiliers, you will see a flock of Great Barracuda. You may also encounter a pack of squid and a turtle. The most fortunate may encounter a whale shark.


10 - 20 м


5 - 20 м


moderate, sometimes severe


certified divers

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